Duff Language Magnet Academy

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Policies » Morning Drop-Off

Morning Drop-Off

Please have your child in school by 8:15 AM.
Obey all traffic laws: NO U-turns; NO Double parking.
Student safety is our priority!
Students are to be in line by 8:15 AM. Arrive early to avoid traffic. 
The West gate opens at 7:45 AM.
Breakfast is served from 7:45 to 8:10 AM. 
Dorothy Street Drop Off
  • Drive slowly and obey the crossing guards and be kind to volunteers.
  • Drive all the way forward when dropping off your child.
  • Say your goodbyes early. Keep children seated and buckled in until you come to a complete stop. 
  • Students should be ready to exit the car when the car stops. Backpacks should be with students, not in the trunk. 
  • For safety, students exit vehicles in the designated area only
  • Do not exit your car to accompany your child to the gate. If you would like to accompany your child to the gate, please park your vehicle at the park and walk.
Be Respectful and Considerate
  • No parking in student drop off area 7:00-9:00 AM.
  • If your child needs assistance getting out of the car, including being unbuckled, please park at Garvey Park and walk your child to the gate.
  • Respect our neighbors; do not use their driveways.
  • Yield to pedestrians.
  • Be a good example, always use the crosswalk.